June 24, 2020
Contact: Michael Beckel, Research Director
mbeckel@issueoneaction.org, p: 202-888-6770
Issue One Action expands “Make Voting Safe” advertising campaign to include ad during President Trump’s town hall in Wisconsin tomorrow
Washington, DC – June 24, 2020 – When people tune into President Donald Trump’s town hall meeting on Fox News tomorrow night, they’ll see an ad from Issue One Action urging them to tell Congress to take action now to ensure Americans can cast their ballots without risk to their health during the coronavirus pandemic.
"This fall our elections will be tested, and millions of Americans fear going to the polls," former Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), co-chair of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus, says in the ad. "From the Civil War to the Great Depression, we've carried out safe elections during crisis. Many Republican governors are expanding absentee voting options, and they need Congress' help. Tell Congress to give states the resources they need to make voting safe and secure.
The ad represents an expansion of Issue One Action’s previously announced $750,000 digital and television ad buy. Issue One Action has been running multiple ads on Fox News every day this week, and digital ads are also underway in Iowa, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Ohio.
“The safety of our elections are in jeopardy this year because of the coronavirus pandemic,” said Issue One Action Founder and CEO Nick Penniman. “States need more funding from Congress so they can make polling places safer for voters and poll workers alike, and expand early voting and absentee voting options.”
To the dismay of many election administrators and elected officials, including many Republicans, President Trump has repeatedly expressed skepticism about voting by absentee ballot. He’ll be discussing the 2020 election, police reform, and other topics at a town hall Thursday night in Green Bay, Wisconsin, hosted by Sean Hannity, starting at 9 PM EDT.
Learn more at MakeVotingSafe.org.
About Issue One Action
Issue One Action is a nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to uniting Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the fight to fix our broken political system.